A sequel to the iconic Blade Runner, this film follows a new blade runner as he uncovers long-buried secrets. 

An alien assumes the form of a deceased man and embarks on a journey to return home. Starman is a heartfelt sci-fi romance with Jeff Bridges in a memorable role. 

In a future where Earth faces an insectoid alien threat, young soldiers join the fight. Starship Troopers is a satirical take on militarism, propaganda 

A crew embarks on a mission to reignite the dying sun and save humanity.

A Scanner Darkly explores identity, surveillance, and drug addiction in a dystopian future 

Dark City

man wakes up with no memory and discovers he’s part of a mysterious experiment in a city where reality constantly shifts.  

Set during World War II, Overlord follows a group of American soldiers who stumble upon horrifying Nazi experiments  

A sequel to the iconic 1982 film Tron, Tron: Legacy immerses viewers in a digital world where a son searches for his missing father. 

Brad Pitt stars as an astronaut on a mission to find his missing father in the outer reaches of the solar system.  

When an alien parasite crash-lands in a small town, chaos ensues as it takes over the bodies of unsuspecting residents.